If you’ve been to a rally, a protest or an action in Burn City since 2017 you’ve probably seen us…. and even if you haven’t; you’ve definitely heard us!

Whether its pumping tunes to detained refugees in the Refugee Hotel & Broadmeadows Detention Centre, spreading the sound along Invasion Day Rallies, or at the various protests and gatherings that are a central part of our city’s political & cultural expression, Renegade Solidarity Audio Force has been the sound behind the cause behind the noise.

A collaboration of artists, activists, djs and techies from the Solidarity Sound System and Renegade Activists Action Force, we know our way around rally logistics. We also record speeches and audio from the desk to provide to rally organisers and 3CR Community Radio for local and national broadcasting. 

From Palestine to Climate Change, from First Nations Rights to the growing Regional Militarism, we bring the decibels so that your voices and demands are undeniably clear and loud enough to penetrate the souls of the planet fuckers hiding in their corporate bunkers.

If you see us on the streets, come say hi!

To find out more, keep up-to-date or to support, head to our patreon

Black Lives Matter Rally, June 2020

Lock Up The War Criminals, November 2020

Abolition Block Party at MITA Detention Centre, 30th April 2022

Free the Refugees National Day of Action, June 2020

Free Palestine, 26th November 2023

Homes Not Prisons Action at DPFC, Human Rights Day, 10th December 2021

Stop Black Deaths in Custody National Day of Action, 7th October 2023

Peace Rally, 12th March 2022

No Guns National Day of Action, 18th June 2022

Climate Block Party at the Urgent Action United Climate Rally, 30th July 2022

Stop the Killing in Iran, 10th May 2023

Invasion Day, 26th January 2021

May Day, 1st May 2023

Morning Start Flag Raising Ceremony, 1st December 2023

Anti-fascist Counter Rally, 17th April 2017

(that’s the fasc smashing the speakers)

Mobile Rig for Free Palestine Rally, 3rd December 2023